Monday, October 27, 2008

In the year of 3000...

Today, we are in the year of 2008. Next year we are in the year of 2009. In this post, I would like to share with you about an email that I have received in this month. For me, this post will tell you that how we are in the year of 3000. Maybe la.... i just guessed. I don't know the truth but in the general word, in the future. haha...

However, what is your comment for the whole pictures. For me, we not fool as the pictures because as a Muslim, there are a lot of way of life. By choosing Islam as our religion, we have been granted the ability to think. So, we need to make use of it so that we are not fool like the pictures or in the year of 3000. However, in this post, i just want to share my email and I hope you give a least a line of comment in this post. Thanks for your cooperation. Bye-bye.

1 comment:

  1. Is need to me to comment by writing it using English Language?haha. Let's i try it. Dis id gud article and it can give awareness of us on da what big probability things that will happens in da future right? At least, by dis info,we can make da preparation as good as possible.
